Designblok 2019


Designblok'19 LAUFEN Exhibition Stand, Photo: karolína matušková




Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Type: Exhibition Stand, Experiment 
Size: GFA: 45 m2
Client: LAUFEN
Design Team: COLLARCH & Janci Co.
Construction Company: Intera Sp., Atelier Navostro








Designblok2019 Jiří Hroník
Designblok'19, LAUFEN, Photo: Jiří Hroník
Designblok 2019 Jiří Hroník
Designblok'19, LAUFEN, Photo: Jiří Hroník

The exhibition Laufen for this year's Designblok is called Ceramic Trees. The exhibition consists of four ceramic sculptures composed of products of revolutionary thin-walled ceramics SaphirKeramik. The four trees represent four world-renowned designers who designed these products for Laufen. At the exhibition we deliberately contrasted these sophisticated thin-walled products, representing in many ways the peak of current

sanitary ware production and four large kaolin heaps from which our ceramic trees grow. Kaolin is one of the basic natural ingredients without which SaphirKeramik products could not be produced. Our exposition is analogous to the process of production - human endeavor, which has given shape, function, endurance and state-of-the-art design to originally formless, loose matter.


Designblok'19, LAUFEN, Photo: 1 COLLARCH; 2,3 Karolína matušková